Pants & Allyship

16 Feb

So this week we’re talking bout who we’re allies too.

this is tough, cause being an ally means a lot of different things to me. Cause pretty much I try to be there for anyone who isn’t a bum. I can’t really describe it but if someone has like a good soul (I know sounds random but just roll with it for a bit K?) then I want to support them in their struggle with life. cause everyone has struggles, just cause someone might have hella privilege doesn’t mean at some point they won’t need some help. It doesn’t really matter who they are.  Being an ally means you not only support others, but know what bits of yourself you can use to defeat the fucked up  stuff that others have to deal with.

In general, I want help people. im not about to be like “oh your a straight white dude so im not gonna be an ally you”  i might if your close minded toward the queer world, or toward youth, but as long as your open minded to stuff you may not understand or necessarily agree with, we can be chill.

anyways, thats my thoughts for the day.

catch you next week. stop by Transmagic and see whats the T!!!


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